The Cost of Avoidance

The units situation is almost–but not yet— resolved.

And I think everyone in my department is getting sick of nagging me, and I’m sick of getting their emails.

But SERIOUSLY?! I WISH it was something that could be resolved in a day, but it feels like each step of the process requires department approval, signatures, and all this other crap that I don’t want to deal with.

And today, the graduate adviser sends me a forwarded email (from the grad coordinator) saying that she got an email from someone in grad studies threatening that they’re going to take away my stipend for spring quarter if I don’t get things resolved by tomorrow (June 1st)

But it seems like everyone in other departments is just taking their sweet time…

Of course, having anxiety — with authority figures– doesn’t help make this process any easier.

Something else I’ve put off for more time than necessary– getting a dental cleaning. I swear, it’s been years– even though everyone suggests the “every 6 months” cleaning schedule.

Well, because of my avoidance, I now have larger, more expensive issues to deal with.

I have to get 3 fillings “re-filled”, 2 root canals (and 2 crowns on top of those teeth) since my old fillings are getting cracked, and a new night guard… on top of my regular dental cleaning. Holy schmoly!!

I knew I needed to get a cleaning and contemplated it last year, but kept putting it off…. and look at where it’s got us??!!

Someday I’ll learn to NOT avoid situations…. maybe… hopefully….